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Why Conjures Stopped shooting

Conjures was supposed to be filmed just before the pandemic.

The film was stopped mainly because of supernatural events that happened while filming. I have 20 minutes of the film, and I decided to make a short film that will come out soon. But it’s nothing compared to what it was supposed to be as a two-hour feature.

Here’s why production was stopped by me.


CONJURES is a Spooky horror film that I started filming a few years ago. But I decided to halt the film because of strange things that started happening during the filming. I decided to shelve it for another day. I went back to shooting Christmas Tears and finished it. So, I've decided to try and shoot Conjures again. 


Now the reasons why Conjures was canceled. 

What would you have done?

Little about the film. Conjures is about a flying saucer coming back for a star child. A child who decides to create some mischief before he goes home.
Well, I guess you'll know what happens since you read the book. And if supernatural things keep happening this book will never turn into a film.


This was a warning I gave during casting.

Okay, reasons I stopped production the first time.

Warning: If you're in this film or are auditioning for it, If you're are part of the cast and crew. I would understand if you want out.


Reasons why filming had stopped:


1- and 2 We started checking out 2 parks to shoot scenes at. One is close to my house, the other is in Bellmore, Long Island NY. A park close to my house we checked out first. At that park, I had the uneasy feeling we were being watched and not by the park rangers. We filmed a little to see how this park would work. It was perfect.

Later that day when I got home I found the park on the web by mistake. (Strange. Have no idea how that happened, since I wasn't looking for the park) I was trying to find a special effects guy.

I used the film's name Conjures and it gave me someone who would have been perfect as a special effects person but he was in the occult and that's a big no-no for me. Then the park I was shooting in just appeared on my computer when I hit the enter button for another special effects guy. Now that was odd. I never entered a park of any kind.


So I read about the park. Well, it so happens that it's the only park in Long Island where a real flying saucer crashed (If you believe in UFOs). The park is close to Brookhaven Laboratories and you can imagine what goes on there.

You used to find some stories and pictures of what happened there on YouTube, but somehow most of them have been removed. Wonder why?


So I guess I’ll tell you what I heard and read.

Back on November 24, 1992, at 7 pm in Southaven Park, Brookhaven. NY people were getting ready for Thanksgiving and some shopping for Christmas gifts early.  There was a UFO hovering in the sky and all of a sudden, it fell in the park creating a loud crash. House and lights in the areas of Shirley and Mastic Bach lost power.


People rushed to the park as word of mouth and some witnesses saw the craft fall. But by that time the Brookhaven police along with the military had already surrounded the park and didn’t let anyone enter it.


One person did sneak in there and took pictures that were hard to make out because it was dark and there were no cell phones then.

The pics were of people dressed in protective gear going through the crash site and removing bodies by stretchers covered in a silver foil-like material.

Those pics and whoever took those photos are. Let's say they never existed.


The park was closed for several days as the military police told the people it wasn’t safe because of hunters, hunting for wild turkeys. I guess since it was Thanksgiving, that sounded like a good excuse.

Lights going out in the area were because of the circuits or voltage fluctuation something like that.

When the park finally opened, people could see trees that were knocked down in a certain area. No doubt, some had crashed there.






Anyway back to why I stopped Conjures the movie.


3- I needed a crystal ball so I got a clear one and needed a dark green rubber ball the same size 100mm so we could use it as a green screen (For animation) I could not find one the that size or green. I did not want to buy a green crystal ball since it may not work because it's see-through.

My wife started making one out of felt, but it wasn't right. The next day I was doing the dishes (Yes I wash dishes) and I looked out the kitchen window. Right in front of me as I looked out of my side yard window, was a green rubber ball, the same size, and color I needed. I ran downstairs and picked it up. It's perfect. Now, where did that ball come from? My neighbors don't have any children and neither do we. The neighbors are never in the yard either. So how did that ball appear out of nowhere? Strange


4- This is really spooky. I was looking to buy a Canon 7D camera to shoot Conjures (We now have a Black Magic) I found one on Craigslist. It happens that the seller lived in Montauk Point and although still pretty far from me I decided to take a ride up there and check it out.

Now I don't know anything about cameras so I asked my cinematographer to come with me and my wife, so he could tell me if I was getting a good deal. He agreed and he, my wife, and I went to Montauk Point (About 1 hour and a half drive) I followed the directions the seller had given me (I had No GPS) on our way there our cinematographer was speaking of a horror movie he had just seen. And we spoke about how Conjures is going to be better.

It's now night time and it is dark out east. No street lights, it's hard to see the street signs. I drove by the street where I was supposed to turn on. None of us could see the street signs well because it was pitch dark out there. Light poles are scarce over there.

I knew I had driven too far.  I had to make a U-turn and turn back maybe a mile. I knew I had gone too far when I saw the Montauk lighthouse and behind it only the ocean.

We doubled back and this time I saw the street name. We turned there and started heading north. After about another 15 minutes we arrived at our destination. I was glad 3 minutes more we'd be by the Long Island Sound.

Now to get to this house we would have to go through a dirt road about 100 yards. We could see a little of the house that was mostly covered by trees (This was summer) The house was dark, it looked like 1313 Mockingbird Lane (You know the house), anyway the dirt road was very muddy with thick brush and trees were on both sides. My wife said, "I know we're not going up the road!" I said hell no! A sign outside the house said For Sale, it was rusty and it had one chain link broken and it was dangling on its side and making a squeaking sound every time the wind blew on it ever so gently. My cinematographer complained that I had the car parked in a position that if a killer came out with a chainsaw he'd be the first to go. So I said fine. I made a U-turn and parked the car with the dirt road on the driver's side, my side. After a few minutes, I could see what he meant. It was scary and the mind can play tricks on you. To make matters worse I called the seller to tell him we were there and he didn't pick up. I couldn't believe I went there for nothing. The sign made a squeaking sound again and I now I'm panicked. I decided to move the car and this time I put it with the headlights facing the narrow dirt road that led to their house. I put on my bright lights and I could see a lot of water in the middle of the road. The strange thing was it hadn't rained in a while, so where did that water come from? And why only on his driveway?

Still, I waited a bit and decided to call the seller again, this time he answered but to my surprise, he sounded different, strange. I told him I was there and he just said GOOD in a strange deep voice. Then again maybe it was me, I thought to myself.

The road was deserted. My wife thought that Leather Face or zombies were going to attack us and she kept looking out the back window and telling me she wanted to leave. Behind us was a deserted airstrip. I never saw a hanger.

Now for the spooky part. It was dark out but the headlights lit the area in front of the car very well. Then right in front of the car, a mist appeared starting from my side of the car (The Drivers Side) It was a smokey solid white mist and it appeared on the road and then it started to move from the left side of the road across toward the passenger side. I froze, I was one big goose pimple. I was going to say something but I didn't want to scare my wife who was scared out of her mind in the back seat of the car looking for anything that could harm us. She never saw it because she was so worried about us being attacked from the rear and was facing the other way.

I figured it’s best to stay shut and not make things worse. But my cinematographer sitting in the front passenger seat was seeing what I was seeing and he quickly commented when the mist disappeared on his side of the car. "What the fuck was that?" He yelled out loud. I was trying to cover what I knew it was. I told him it must be a fog that was starting to form. He yelled back, "That ain't no fucking fog!"

My wife then turned in a panic and wanted to know what was it that had just happened. I told her what was going to happen. We were leaving. And we drove off.

We told her after we were far from that area. We said that we should have known that the house was probably haunted when we first drove there and saw such a big house which was completely dark, with no lights anywhere, and the muddy water on the road leading up to it. Well, those were all hints that we didn’t heed.

The next day I looked up the address I was given and I was surprised but not shocked. Google search showed a small type ranch house, not a big tall house like the one we saw, with the Long Island Sound behind it. Now that was spooky

5- After these few more minor troubling coincidences, I said to myself, "If something else happens, I'm shutting this production down!" Well, it didn't take long. The other park we scouted and filmed a bit in (Bellmore) was just as scary.

We toured the park and I liked a special area there, there was a down tree perfect for our werewolf scene. But the next day as I watched the news on TV a reporter was talking about a body being found in that area by the tree we had scouted. In fact on top of the tree where our werewolf was supposed to jump over chasing a victim.

Well, that was it. Goodbye Conjures I said sadly but relived. To this day I don't know if they caught the killer and I don't want to know. But Conjures was done.

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Heading 1

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Music and Marketing Legend Ron Alexenburg, the man who signed Michael Jackson right after Motown and helped produce the Album "Thriller" discusses his career and Gail lets us know the man behind the legend. Mr. Alexenburg introduces his teen singing sensation Tina DeCara.

Authors and Singers

Part 1-Gail has a Riveting Interview with Author Angel Huertas"Rise To Grace, a Genuine Street Story" of a Brooklyn Drug dealer who was shot by a so-called friend he had dinner with the day before. Also, Musician Humanitarian Edwin Vazquez with his accompanist and humanitarian James Grover perform songs from his latest and upcoming albums

Dr Bill Akpinar discusses his books and Integrated Medicine. Amazing Story with Rev. Patricia Figuccio and singer Mike D'Amico

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world as a teenager. Fascinating stories!

A great Christmas Show with Santa Claus (Real Name) LSE founder, Producer, editor, and director Noel Torres. Special guests Mellisa Bloomberg Droktofsky CEO of Toyz of Hope, and Emily Sciarretta, inspires all as Ms. Wheelchair USA   


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Cancer Advocate

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